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Death Cult(s) n. 1. A religous group whose belief system stresses the cyclical nature of life as exposed by astrological and natural phenomena, with an emphasis on cessaristic elements, i.e. death, solar settings, winter, amputations, bloodletting, abortionism and many more truncations of the metaphorical type. 2. The Republican Party, for example; Christianity, in general.


In The Ultimate Evil, author Maury Terry contends that the Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz was a member of “The Children”, a satanic cult based out of Venice, California, with links to the military and intelligence establishments. According to Terry, “The Children” is a splinter group of The Process Church of the Final Judgment, which--although officially disbanded some 30 years ago--continues to operate secretly in six major U.S. cities. Terry claims that The Process Church operates from a “remote enclave” in New York and has changed its name many times, accumulating millions of dollars in real estate holdings along the way.

In his treatise, Terry accused The Process of Hitler worship, animal sacrifice, drug running, kiddie porn, murder, and complicity in Son of Sam. Process apologists argue that Terry took Process founder Robert DeGrimston's symbolic teachings too literally and that The Ultimate Evil suffers from poor logic, draws from dubious sources, and is littered with “red herrings”.

According to Terry, Berkowitz--though admittedly involved in some of the Son of Sam murders--was set up as a fall guy by the “The Children” for the entire series of murders, much in the same manner that Charles Manson may have been similarly manipulated in the Tate-LaBianca murders.

From various sources--among them, Berkowitz himself--Terry learned that one Son of Sam murder was videotaped and that the cameraman (Ronald Sisman) was subsequently murdered by cult members when they went to recover the Son of Sam snuff film. Terry pinned this murder on a mysterious figure dubbed Manson II, whom he later identified as William Mentzer, an “occult superstar” and hit man who moved through the same late 1960’s milieu of sex, drugs, and porn as Manson -- and who had been intimate with Tate-LaBianca murder victim, Abigail Folger. Terry quoted his source on Mentzer/Manson II as “someone in the intelligence community”.

-- Adam Gorightly (, Death Cults

See Also


  • Though Molech could be sated through the spilling of both animal and human blood, the hungry God seemed to prefer infants. Great risk yields greater returns. But there is also the slow steady approach of the tortoise. War, for example...

Oppositional Groupings and Secret Orders

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  • circa 1560: Paraclesus slowly pulled his charred nubs from the fiery blaze of burning books. His eschatological warp forever bent the Anahinthan. Though their motives remain unclear, it is evident that they will stop at nothing to achieve them...
  • Recently, occult detectives have linked the League of Gnomes to an international kidnapping ring aimed at harvesting children for use in their rituals. Horrible stories of rape, murder, torture and imprisonment, though unsubstantiated, abound...
  • The League of Men with Fancy Gloves


  • John P. Merriweather was raised in a strict Evangelical, visiting tent revivals across the Bible Belt. He died, nearly naked, frozen to the floor of his Aspen hunting lodge, wearing the Most Secret High Holy Undergarments of Mormo...
  • After a flamboyant life, Richard Lancelyn Green was found garroted in his bed; the cord had been tightened with a wooden spoon. He had become increasingly paranoid in his last days, claiming he was being followed by a mysterious American. Although his death was later ruled a suicide, suspicions remain...
  • Though he died alone in a shitty apartment, Elysius Dubord influenced a generation of occult writers. Although far from accepted, the best mythologists know that Dubord never wrote a blatantly incorrect word...
  • Suspected victims abound: Dowd Morhart, Ryan O'Donnely, Creatine Panderbox


"Molech is a horrible beast, a soul-eater and a right bastard." --  on  in The Oral God
"Molech is a horrible beast, a soul-eater and a right bastard." -- Adid on Molech in The Oral God


The Skillet Scouts were founded by Stimes Addisson in 1973 as a joking response to the Gnome Scouts.

The Terminally Obese Children's Foundation was investigated after the disappearance of three of the most obese campers at its well-known fat camp.

A man claiming to be "Mormo incarnate" once filled up William Flintrock's car with gasoline at a Tempe, Arizona service station.

Adult circumcision is the most common form of Poobian physical ablation. Self-castration is a close second.