Kaoru Hashimoto

From Plastic Tub

Osaka, Japan. Hashimoto and Pedro Marquez uttered the same words ("If there were a place you could stand while holding your breath but while breathing you could by smirking almost") at the exact same moment on opposite sides of the globe one fateful September in 1999. Hashimoto was an anglophile with Tourette's Syndrome, but usually her outbursts were incomprehensible. She was also a student of Algonquin. Some have called her "passionate" and "ardent," but sources close to the scene say she was little more than a dillettante who had read a book or two on the subject.

Three things are certain:

  1. She spoke that night in a perfect Algonquin, recorded on DAT by her colleague Ichiko Robles, a half-Spanish friend.
  2. She bore an uncanny resemblance to Verna Cable.
  3. She died mysteriously in 2003.

See Also
