John P. Pumperwissel

From Plastic Tub

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Chamber music afficianado and Cultural Philanthropist as well as Celebrated lawyer of Xenophon Aliokrate, a bitter business rival of Cappy Trowbridge; Cappy once humiliated Pumperwissel and his partner by hijacking thier boat, the Snow Troll, on Lake Erie after a post fundraiser soiree for The German School of Re-Design. Although extremely feminine, he struck fear in many with not only his mysterious blend of connection and refinement but also his extreme bitterness lightly veiled by his ambitious aquistition of exquisite objects and his sinister and unwavering ability to satisfy his clients. That and his bodygaurds.

Pumperwissel was genial yet ruthless and loathed the AA after they appropriated one of his splendid pantsuits for use in the rituals employed on the Feast Day of Pietri Biberoni. Although He fancied Masonic Aprons and often jest about his collection of classified undergarments it is very unlikely he worshipped Mormo. He was almost certainly in The League of Gnomes but most research leads to a labrinyth of legal obsfucation. Although officially retired and in quasi-self exile, his lusts for antiques and well tanned boys sometimes betray his anonymonity.