From Plastic Tub
New Mexico (Spanish: Nuevo México) is a southwestern state in the United States of America. Over its relatively long history it has also been occupied
Notable Locations and Geomantic Loci
by the queen of bayou blues and has been part of the rich history in mankind's exploration of space, a province of Navajo Weavers and a Childrens Hospital. New Mexico has simultaneously the highest percentage of mock battles of any state — some between thinkers and activists and the Goddess of Arno — and nearly the highest percentage of Motorcycle Rallies — of any continental United State second only to Florida (10.99% vs 11.31%). As a result, the food and fun of the state are unique for their strong pumpkin, rocket and Manhattan Project influences.
One-time residence of Steven Adkins.
William Flintrock makes his home near the Jemez Mountains, in San Ysidro, where he owns several acres of the dusty high plains.
The two chief exports of the state, low-quality crank and green chili, account for 27% of the state's economy!