From Plastic Tub
Renascence n. 1. Often taken as a printer's error or a simple authorial misspelling of Renaissance, the period known as The Renascence is defined more by a surging vitality in the conservative forces of The Catholic Church, i.e. The Counter Reformation. 2. A new beginning; born again; sprung anew.
[edit] Usage"In his latter years, Job cursed his renascence brought on by faith and wished to fall back into the curses of the Lord, looking back fondly on his life as a single man, [when he was] free from the hassles of property, the burdens of money, the yoke of family, the shackles of righteousness..." -- Gretta Geppetto. "Toom, I Was, in the Days Before the Whale, or Why I Chopped off My Penis." Brazilian Press. 1963. [edit] Extrapolation
[edit] Desiderata