The Sponsor

From Plastic Tub

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The Sponser hs. 1. an insidous mouth wrapped around the psychic will of the Secret Negro. 2. Born of Molech and gorged on honeydew (honary jew) 3. In AA parlance he is the metaphysical manifestation of the economical tyrant, the jack booted pinky ring stomper of the afternoon cine, the haunting strings of the puppet who traded his shackles for blindness. 4.Mastermind criminal at odds with Choco.


  • -The sponser preys on all but its throbing mouth engorges with erotic joy when it finds the taste of *The Citizen or The Patriot upon its heaving lips. Alas the commercial world is not without *its unequivicol element either(The Ephidides of Myranti IV-Arhelio Monastary).
  • -The unholy bondage of the citizen ,his cornea hi-jacked by this anamalous force of nefarious snack *cakery and is held, prostate on ones couch , in the very hold of morpheutic disentegration, only to *be rudely ripped from your slobering state by another word from your Sponser. and somehow the *citizens agree with the payoff. The Sponser incites rabid devotion and bewildering indolance upon his *subjects of whom He calls his minor consumertis.

See Also