Opened Head

From Plastic Tub

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The deluxe brain comes with opened head to allow detailed study of the brain's position in the skull. The head is horizontally divided above the skull base. The deluxe brain is medially divided and shows the brain arteries as well as the removable basilar artery. Both halves can be disassembled into:

This opened head is said to have been found in Iraq.
This opened head is said to have been found in Iraq.
  • Frontal with parietal lobes
  • Temporal with occipital lobes
  • Half of brain stem
  • Half of cerebellum

See Also

Non-Canonical Text

That which was lost

....Ok widder kids....about Shock n' Awe. Here's more....

....some interesting references to the old Kabbalistic reference to the feminine presence of God called Shakina, who was exiled after the destruction of the Temple of Solomon. In her exile, she has variously been referred to as "the Widow" the "Stone of Exile" and the "Precious Stone...."

....Saddam Hussein's occult powers, powers allegedly deriving from a "magic stone" he wore around his neck. What if the whole point of the Iraq war was to recover that stone? Shakina, the Glory of God, was associated with the Ark of the Covenant, which as we all know from Indiana Jones, made any army who bore it invincible....

....thru scenario for a conspiracy theory, or at least an encyclopedia article for the tub....

....In the Grail Romances, Percival is almost always, despite all other differences, called the "Son of the Widow Lady." In Wolfram Von Eschenbach's version, the Templars are the grail guardians, which is a stone called "lapsit exillis." This is bastard Latin which can be interpreted as "stone fallen from heaven...."

....Freemasons are referred to as "Widow's Sons" and a lost stone plays an important part in their mythology. A lost keystone in fact is the whole point of the Royal Arch. So do head wounds....

....Decapitated heads are sometimes associated with the grail legends as well as the Templars. The Templars were said to worship before heads and hold something which guranteed fertility and protection, much as decapitated heads have figured in Celtic and Welsh mythology (one of Shakina's places of exile is rumored to be Ireland). The grail is said to do the same and the Ark at least, affords the bearer one of those services. In the "Shock and Awe" article, the author makes much of the term "decapitation strikes" as used by the US military on its initial assaults in Babylon....