
From Plastic Tub

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Referred to by  as the "crazy uncle of the fruit aisle," the kumquat is also revered as a cheap and plentiful aphrodisiac.
Referred to by Art Doll as the "crazy uncle of the fruit aisle," the kumquat is also revered as a cheap and plentiful aphrodisiac.

kumquat re. 1. An egg-like fruit. 2. A whooping cry issued at the apex of masculatorian coital experience. 3. A migrant worker's daughter.


While young, Steven Vogeler's brother Clark wrote a song entitled "The Kumquat Lady."
Choco used the word in his infrequent insults, such as in the following: "Kumquat-assed bitch!" This came frome a strip during a storyline which ran from July 16 and August 10, 1982. Unusually dark and brooding, we saw Choco undergo a series of defeats and moral setbacks that led him briefly to alcohol and abusive behavior towards women. Fortunately, series creator Jonathan Trenchwheat put a stop to this downward spiral and Choco again became the sober and gentlemenly figure which has become so beloved in many parts of the civilized world.