
From Plastic Tub

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A super-hero played by Stimes Addisson between 1950-1985. William Flintrock somehow rigged up a suit which allowed Addisson to emit balloons from his masked jaw at will. The idea was to befuddle evil-doers into stunned obedience. In 35 years Stimes suffered a broken jaw--twice--a stab wound and a fractured sternum. He never once caught a criminal but legend has it that after a lecture at Yale he was walking past the Skull and Bones house and scared a drunken young George W. Bush so badly that the latter pissed his pants.

Characters in the Lil' AA read Balloonjaw comics and dress up like both he and The Chameleon, his sometimes sidekick.

Balloonjaw has been outlawed in almost every state as a public menace.


Balloonjaw was the inspriation for Philip Dru: Administrator