Amway-style poetry samples

From Plastic Tub

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A Bible Salesman

An experiment with poetical ablation, Amway-Styled poetry samples were developed by Jorge Suarez but elaborated signifantly by Stimes Addisson in the early 1960's in what he referred to as "basically time off . . . in that my wife kicked me out." Purvey of the young, this method of literary distribution is nearly identical to the distribution of vacuums and religious tracts so popular in the previous decade of Poob Culture, the main product of which is the travelling salesman -- source of endless myth, everpresent vaporic construction. In later years, Addisson would elaborate endlessly on this theme.

A Charming Lunchoenette.

A loosely strung network of poets, the poetry distributed yada yada yada, someone jump in -- upon which what if one went door to door selling epic poems with selected strophes, stanzas and spondules?

That's just what Stimes Addisson did for a few weeks in 1963. He went door to door through the suburbs of Chicaco with a briefcase full of pamphlets and weird product descriptions. He made 300 dollars and got laid twice.

See Also

Dime Bag Poetry

Unopened Head