The Holy Order of The Boxcutter
From Plastic Tub
The "Holy Order" is the true power within the North American Cardboard Container Manufacturer's Association (NACCMA) and is under the direction of The League of Gnomes. NAACMA is essentially a legitimate trade association and not all member companies are owned by the Gnomes; under the secret direction of the Holy Order, however, NAACMA effectively promotes the interests of the Gnomes without actually breaking any laws.
The Order was founded by John P. Merriweather in 1964 in order to keep a finger on the pulse of the Gnomes' holdings in the industry and is currently under the direction of Christopher Andrews Stephenson III.
There are three "Abbots," all of whom are Noble Gnomes. Kthonoïd Gnomes serve as "Sub-Alterns," or assistants, to the Abbots. There are Abbots in New York, Mexico City and Toronto. Membership is believed to be about 35 Gnomes, including officers.