Pietri Biberoni

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Born 1763, Vacamadonna, Italy. Died 1820, New York City. He tries to arrive but being vaporic, cannot operate the doorhandles. Thus, he recieves nothing -- enraging him completely. He is a Coney Island bumper-car, expertly renovated.

Librettist for celebrated composer Paolo Grignotti; Biberoni collaborated with Grignotti on 27 operas and with other composers on 13 more. His peculiarity was to write only in Italianized versions of negro slang and never to use the word "jackal," as in this excerpt from Martini: "You! Giacometto, you....Jackal!!"

He died a pauper with a knife in his back, possibly because he knew too much....


Biberoni was a target of ridicule at Fascist soirees led by Benito Mussolini. They referred to him as "that shit-eating dog from Padua," even though he'd never stepped foot in that city.

See Also