Alfred Bester

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A notorious prankster, Bester would often appear on the streets of New York dressed like Ray Bradbury.
A notorious prankster, Bester would often appear on the streets of New York dressed like Ray Bradbury.

American, 1913 - 1987. He comes in via new technology for necro-animatronics. He is dead. He receives a space in the corner of the room, stiff clouds of Lysol Disinfectant and lavish but passing attentions.

Largely a dead man, one of many, who have participated in Associationalist Agendizing. Or did he? William Flintrock says: "He showed up to two, maybe ten parties at most, always blowing off about concrete poetry and wearing a silly rhinestone glove..."

Bester is known to have introduced Addisson to the works of a then young Isaac Asimov, as well as several more obscure works of the sci-fi porn underground. A young Nevid Kessar, having read through some of this material he found in a trunk at Stimes' Arlington, Virginia rumpus room, went on to produce To Hear Dreams Around Noon.

Known Works

The Demolished Man

Stars My Destination

The Computer Collection, for this last he was excommunicated between beers, for his "lack of silence".

See Also

Wikipedia entry for Alfred Bester. (